Thursday, November 26, 2009

Our little world

In response to my "Thankful for What?" column, my friend Rabbi Joel Rembaum wrote me these words:
In the Talmud the Rabbis teach us: Tafasta m'rubah lo tafasta, tafasta mu'at tafasta;
if you grab for too much, you have nothing to hold on to; if you grab for a little, you have something to hold on to. Each of us is an OLAM KATAN, a little world, a microcosm, and while we do not have total control over this microcosm, we can do more with it than with the big world. If lots of us do lots of good little things with with our little worlds, we can effect a big change for good in the big world. And for that we have to be thankful, indeed. That is why Jews are supposed to say 100 blessings a day, for all the good little things that we CAN do and that can come our way.

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