Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Eggs in wrong basket?

When people look back on the Obama presidency, I think one thing that will be glaring is that he spent his first year putting his domestic eggs in the wrong basket. Here, even liberal icon Robert Reich takes Obama to task for getting his priorities wrong.
Obama's focus on health care when the economy is still so fragile and unemployment moving toward double digits could make it appear that the administration has its priorities confused. While affordable health care is important to Americans, making a living is more immediately urgent. Yet the administration's efforts to date on this more basic concern have been neither particularly visible nor coherent. It's hard for most people to understand that unemployment would be worse were it not for the stimulus package; the much-flaunted new "green jobs" have not appeared yet, nor are they likely to for years. The White House has had equal difficulty explaining to Main Street why it would be far worse off today had Wall Street's biggest banks not been bailed out. Almost nothing has trickled down. Small businesses still can't get loans.

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